Joining agreement

Trading mindset

Dear Student

We offer a diverse range of courses encompassing both online and hybrid formats. Many students opt for the flexibility of remote learning, aligning with their personal preferences for an optimal educational experience.

As you embark on one of our trading programs, leverage the multitude of services at your disposal to unlock your full potential. Our program is meticulously designed to guide you towards certification in the financial market, paving the way for professional success.

Course Agreement

Terms & Conditions

Before delving into the specifics, it’s essential to highlight the terms and conditions integral to your enrollment. By enrolling in our program, you commit to adhering to the following guidelines:

  • During the training program, engaging in real account operations is strictly prohibited. We bear no responsibility for any deviations in mindset that may occur.
  • All shared course content is confidential and must not be shared with others without explicit permission.
  • The duration of your course ranges from 6 months to 1 year, contingent on your grasp of the material. Additional 1-2 months of mentorship will be provided if needed. Early completion may result in a shortened course duration.
  • Timely completion of assigned tasks and regular attendance in classes are mandatory during the course.
  • In the event of any compulsion or illness preventing your participation, timely communication is essential.
  • Once enrolled here is our Refund Policy
  • Read more about our Terms & Conditions
  • Updates or changes to these terms and conditions will be communicated to you promptly.